Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Open the Fusing Kiln


11/27/07 - Open Fusing Kiln

So, at what temperature can you safely open the fusing kiln? When doing the process of glass fusing, there are times when you need to observe your piece. Usually this is when heating up the object.

Glass is brittle and vulnerable between room temperature and 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Never open the hot kiln when the temperature is beneath 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it has reached above 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, the glass is hot enough that it is save to peek and view the glass. You will need to protect your eyes during this process, so be sure to wear your protective glasses. Not only the harmful rays, but sizzling hot air escaping from the unit can damage and harm unprotected eyes!

To read about this and more information about opening the fusing kiln, please visit Open Fusing Kiln.

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