Monday, February 8, 2010

Romantic Love

02/08/10 - Romantic Love - This project is simply titled Romantic Love. A romantic design that can represent any interpersonal attraction. Place it on any outfit when you are feeling lovingly, whether it is romantic or platonic feeling. Love is a word that could signify a variety of attitudes and emotions, which makes this design one that could be utilized all year.

Each one of the alphabetic character is cut individually out of glass, then be sure to overlap the pieces so they'll be fused together. Be creative with your patterns. To make this one a little different, I've placed a heart in the piece, where the “o” would have been. Twist the letters around a little to really add some interest to the artwork.

This particular color of glass was interesting to use, because each side has a different hue of the same color. So, while it looks as though I have cut the letters and heart out of different colors of glass, they are actually cut from the exact same piece. Become creative and imaginative with your project.

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